Monday, March 28, 2011

Doing the CLEAN detox

Day One of Alejandro Jungers "Clean" detox. I am sick of always getting sick with cold after cold and gastros and never feeling 100%. Have decided whilst hubby is overseas and I don't have to cook for him I would get in there and see if I could help myself or at least give me body a fight chance to try and recover itself. Since my spinal surgery I have just not been right. It is just a constant niggle inside of me.

Anyway I will journal my experiences here each day so I have a record of my epic attempt. Usually I last about a day on anything like this, so I am pleased to have made it past dinner at this point without caving in. If you read One Green Generations blog (sorry still not worked out the whole linking thing) she has done this and blogged it and was the inspiration to finally do it.

So here goes - Day One of 21.

Menu, still using up a bit of stuff from the fridge so will have the occasional BAD thing. On the not allowed list which is way too long for my likings is sugar, dairy, honey, chocolate, butter, oats and caffeine along with loads of other stuff, which I will put on here soon.

B'fast: Quinoa with fruit and nuts. Did contain some milk and honey.

Lunch: Fruit crumble. Did contain some sugar.

Dinner: Green power juice.

Snacks: 4 squares of chocolate, 1 nectarine, handful of nuts (brazil & walnut)

Drinks: not enough water, some fresh lemon verbeena tea.

Comments : Feeling hungry. Doing more the elimination than the full on 21 day diet. Well that was the intention, but once I eliminated the danger foods that was a lot of my diet anyway so may as well start the 21 day detox. Feel thirsty. I have already got thrush which seems odd because I have not eaten any baked items using yeasts for over a year. I took photos yesterday afternoon of myself to compare later, but I have not weighed myself because I don't own scales, I just go with the feels tight/feels loose method of weight management.

Even though it has been a wet cold day I have not needed to eat a hot meal tonight, which is one thing I thought I was going to miss.

Shopping bill was huge and I did not go for organic fruit and veg, but everything else was organic. Some things will be staples and last a while like the agave syrup, others I will need to replace very soon, like the nuts. The ginger in the juice seems to keep me warm without having a hot cooked meal. Feel good after drinking it. Not sure if I am supposed to drink the whole lot or if it is 2 servings worth? Find the lemon too full on and the spinaches too bitter.

Wellbeing monitor: feeling good, have energy, hands itching and sore, no afternoon exhaustion.

Other stuff: Meditation in the morning for 20 mins.

Meds: am only took 1 dose of Norflex

Feeling a bit headachey tonight, am going to try and get to sleep early. It is a sort of a hint of a headache, rather than an actually one, but I don't really get them, so I want to avoid it if possible, as I hate them. I think am probably going to suffer a little less than most people because I don't drink caffeine drinks anyway, don't eat gluten based foods and drink a moderate amount of water per day anyway. But I am really missing the most of all my comforter item- hot decaf tea with milk and 2 sugars. SOB!!

Am hoping to do juice tomorrow morning for b'fast, but have a feeling might land up heading desperately for the quinoa to get some substance and chewing action. Day one and I already miss chewing – arghghhg. SOOO looking forward to salmon and veg for lunch tomorrow.

Finished eating at 7am, so can get a clean 12 hours in before food tomorrow. Very happy about that. Another reason to go to bed early to avoid the hunger pangs and missing food yummy food.

Altogether not a bad attempt. I am probably going to make a whole day, which is probably a record for me. I will hopefully be able to go into a little more depth about the detox program tomorrow so you can understand how limited I am feeling in food choices and to fill you in on the large amounts of green juices you need to consume.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Same old same old

Not much has changed for me recently. But at the same time a lot has. I have been very busy moving forward with getting ready to list my farm for sale. Going through all the cupboards getting rid of EVERYTHING. Takes sooo much time, but is also mildly addictive just shedding loads and loads of STUFF.

My pain is manageable, have good days and not so good days.

I painted a room that was desperate for a lick of paint to bring it some life again. I was pretty happy with that, painting a room felt like such an achievement. I am taking it slowly and carefully as I am aware that if I overdo it I could pay dearly for weeks.

I got gastro - that was great (not) and am not going to waste any time on reliving that memory.

I have started a new therapy, a muscle therapy that does deep tissue massage. It is PAINFUL, and I even hit the therapist TWICE when he massaged too hard and I was desperate to stop the pain. Not the sort of pain like the back pain, a whole different pain, still hurts, but there is a good hurt at the end of the ordeal. Came away feeling bruised and exhausted. Did not make any difference to my general pain levels or posture etc, but apparently you have to have at least 4 treatments for it to work. I don't write anything off until I have done it for at least a month - 6weeks, as somethings take some time to adjust to. So fingers crossed this works for me and then I will be flying a plane accross the world advertising for this practise. I have met several people who were due to have the spinal fusions and avoided them after seeing this guy, so I am just praying and begging and sending out every vibe possible to the universe that this is the miracle cure for ME TOO.

I have met enough people through the years to see that miracle cures do happen, I have also had enough conventional therapies/medicines and alternative and just down right weird therapies to also know to take it with a pinch of salt. Give it a go and HOPE, but my expectations remain reasonably neutral until the day I am able to jump with joy and cry Miracle Cure myself.
I remain open and positive always and just hope that this is IT for me and it is MY TURN and I can go on with my life painfree and "normal".

The only really NOT same old same old, has been my husband letting me know he is moving to Singapore for 6 months!!! Hmmm!! He will do 3 weeks there and 1 week home. I have a 6 year old ADHD child and a 10 year old with Fragile X syndrome, being abandoned for 3 weeks of each month is not sounding like something I really really want to do to myself (esp when I am not in peak health - even closely). But it is work and you have to go where the work is these days of the GFC. So we will get by. I am the ultimate "coper", so I will just adjust and cope and of course pray extra hard that all will be good with my health for the next 6 months, and that the kids behave. I said to my husband as long as he realises that the 1 week he is home HE GETS THE KIDS. As by then I will be needing a sanity check. I really admire the partners and families of those in the defence forces, having to be sole carer for months on end without that week break each month AND also knowing that their hubby or partner is in a hostile war torn environment. I would never make it as an army wife.

But I am getting on with my life and so that feels positive. It is down to me to get this place on the market, down to me to be sole carer for my children, down to me to make sure i look after myself and stay healthy. So I have got a lot on my plate, whihc is kind of good, as being really really busy keeps my mind focused on things other than how shitty I am feeling and why did this restricted and painful life have to become mine.

So as the saying goes -"same same, but different". Least my life does not get boring hey!